Quitting Alcohol Addiction

10 Tips on How you Can Quit Alcohol and Beat Alcohol Addiction

Tip no.1 – Admit you have drinking problems and that you need to quit to put an end to those drinking problems. Accept that you did some mistakes to your life so that you can focus on the solutions of those wrong decisions that you commit in the past. Yu are hooked to alcohol addiction with a purpose and reasons. It is advisable to acknowledge those things to ensure your fast and smooth recovery from alcoholism.

Tip no. 2 – Keep away from your old buddies that you used to hang around with. If they are not joining you in quitting drinking, then it is better for you to avoid them as possible as you can. Interacting with people who are drinking alcohol or abusing alcohol can trigger cravings and thoughts of drinking again. You should always think of saying away from anything that will make you think of alcohol in any way.

Tip no. 3 – You might want to dispose of all the bottles of alcohol, wines and any kind of alcoholic beverages in your house, place of work or room. Keeping them in your cabinet while you are quitting alcohol will also remind you of things related to your alcohol addiction. You also required additional strength in order to overcome the cravings as there are influences all over the place.

Tip no. 4 – Tell your friends, relatives, family members and people you know that you are quitting alcohol for the better. Ask for their supports, advice, suggestions and prayers as well as their opinions on the subject matter. This will play a big role and will and can help you strengthen your will power, motivation and determination.

Tip. No. 5 – Don’t hurry up. Take it one day at a time, meaning that you are doing well at the last moment of quitting alcohol. Never commit mistakes by means of speeding up your chosen quit drinking program or method. This will only worsen the situation and you will encounter problems unexpectedly.

Tip. No. 6 – Make a plan before quitting drinking alcohol. This will allow a good and effective procedure. This action will also prevent your self confuse and disoriented. Make sure you understand all the aspects you are doing. Be familiarized with the plan and make sure that you stick with that plan.

Tip no. 7 – If you are not sure of what you are doing and don’t have the idea or enough information regarding quitting alcohol, you can acquire some from alcoholism specialist, alcohol rehabilitation centers in your area or support groups such as Alcoholic Anonymous (AA). They can supply you with some of the most effective quit dirnking method in the country and will help you to kick the habit easily. They can also prescribe you with synthetic drugs which can use as pain reliever or depressants that will sooth discomfort feelings and anxiety.

Tips no. 8 – Give your self a gift if you able to accomplish a day without consuming alcohol. It may be your favorite meal, a massage or watching your favorite movie. You can also take time to bond with your family which can be a form of gift not only for you but also for them.

Tip no. 9 – If you really desire on getting out of alcohol addiction, you can motivate your self by means of thinking all the negative situation you have done in the past. This will make you realize all the mistakes and wrong doings that affect your life in one way or another. Remember the harmful effects of alcohol and drinking excessively to your life and to the lives of the people around you. This way, you will have the motivation that will push you to keep on your stop drinking plans.

Tip. No. 10 – Continue your battle even if you encounter alcohol withdrawal symptoms or any event that may hinder you form continuing your plans to quit drinking. Beating alcohol is a difficult task and requires huge amount of will power and effort to get the best results. You need all the help you can get to get out but you also need to be willing and cooperative to the situation. Be strong and firm. Do not let anything interrupt you and never give up your plans to quit alcohol for a better you and healthier life.


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