Quit Drinking Alcohol Now
I know it is a waste of time trying to remember all things concerning negative situations happened to me in the past. Things that had occured in my life before I quit drinking alcohol. An expert told me that if I want to totally get out of alcohol, I should forget the past and live at the present. Meaning, that I should not go back to the horrible situation that drastically make me like a living dead. But I just thought it would help me realized how bad and terrible this kind of situation and should be avoided at all cost and prevent from happening again.

As I am having a hard time beating my cravings, now that I quit drinking alcohol, I might as well focus to other things before I find myself drinking again. I am sitting here in front of the computer and this situation made me realized that alcohol had wasted valuable part of my life. As I looked back to where it started, I become conscious that while I am hooked to alcohol, I never believe that it can cost me some huge problems and complicated circumstances which practically put me and my family to a never ending struggle. I also realized that while I thought that I am having a good time binge drinking and that I pretend I can get out of alcohol anytime I want to, I also have the realization I have been a foolish person allowing alcohol to bite my neck. I know now that drinking excessively and abusing alcohol too much are just a waste of my life. I must hold on to the core and shake it to be able to wake up in the dreams that I made. Now that I realized those things, the situation made me conclude that I should be a happier person knowing that I decided to quit drinking alcohol and that I should continue not to engage on drinking sessions anymore.
It is very clear that while we believe in the past that alcohol is our “best friend” and that it brings us happiness and satisfaction, there are bigger and deeper issues lying in front of us. Definitely, the first thing that is clear to me now is that I have wasted a lot of money in terms of
alcohol abuse and binge drinking. This really makes me think that I must and should quit drinking. I don’t have the exact figure of how much money was wasted due to drinking and how much money was cost by the problems created by alcohol. But the one thing is clear; I have wasted valuable assets that can be diverted to other important matter that can support my family rather than wasting them on lunatic activities such as alcohol abuse and binge drinking. It is also an obvious fact that I’ve wasted many of my time divulging to alcohol and I wonder how much time left for my family. It is a sad feeling if you are now discovering the facts that you made a huge mistakes allowing alcohol took control over my life.

I indeed advise everyone reading this that you should now quit drinking and
beat alcoholism. You should give up the habit at this very moment to avoid these same problems and other different forms of wasting time, energy, money and others. You should involve yourself to more productive activities that can make you a better person. Now that we all discover the effects of alcohol, we must take actions to
quit drinking alcohol and give up the addictive substance. We should put an end to these practice and think about other actions that can develop our self-esteem to become a good and responsible human being. Don’t waste your time on alcohol. Don’t let alcoholism penetrate you even at once and you should quit drinking now before it is too late to fight the habit because it is totally on your system, physically and psychologically. Don’t allow the addiction fully take charge of your life. You will find out sooner o later that all the problems that had happened to you are caused by alcohol and those problems can be avoided if you stop drinking and give up the terrible and dreadful habit. It can also be prevented if I don’t abuse the substance and has devoted my time and money to my family and loved ones.