Effects of Quitting Drinking Alcohol

Facts About the Physical, Mental and Emotional Effects of Quitting Drinking

Earlier in the last century, people who have been hooked to alcohol addiction began to be illustrated as having a disease. Important developments have been made to help these individuals quit drinking alcohol and deal with their drinking problems. They are treated considerably to prevent additional problems and damages. But way before that, individuals who have abusing alcohol are considered alcoholics were charge for their drinking problems. People who are not quitting binge drinking ‘til then were drastically judged for character fault, social menace and / or have bad habits in their lives. Positions are made so as to promote a more decent way to tackle the drinking problems and attain their full recovery form the terrible disease.

However, taking into account that people who have drinking problems have disease has not been totally proven efficient. Even though researchers and medical scientists have discovered a lot of effects of quitting drinking alcohol and facts for genetic and biological reasons for alcoholism, there have been no explanations whatsoever about how alcoholism can be considered as a disease. Explaining the cause of drinking problems is also not been totally established as there are case to case basis to be considered. There are different procedures, diagnostics and examinations needed to be applied in order to make an alcoholic stop drinking alcohol as well. As a result, alcoholism treatments and methods to quit alcohol are based purely on the reasons of a certain individual. It is very clear and obvious that abusing the addictive substance and having drinking problems are more than physical health problems that needs medical attention.

There are also mental and emotional parts to quitting alcohol. There is no implication to think that people who have drinking problems are bad individuals. It will only affect the person’s feelings and if they are held to blame on this, it can only worsen the condition of that involved person. On the other hand, we can be familiar with the function of the person in starting and implementing change in their personal life. The person is the only one who can decide that he wants to quit drinking alcohol, find steps and methods to do it and maintain his never-ending dedication to give up the habit. It will turn out that a regular strand of method or technique in quitting alcohol drinking can support the desire to beat alcoholism. Giving the person help and assistance in looking new joy and happiness besides drinking can lead to better attitudes towards living a meaningful, productive and healthier life.

Medical doctors, alcoholism experts and researchers acknowledge this as the biopsychosocial type of treatment. In the medical world, a biopsychosocial method in addressing alcoholism is to deal with physical, mental and emotional aspects of an individual in order to know the real condition. An influence from social environment is also considered and can play a big role in quitting drinking. The program considers a lot of factors in treating drinking problems. There can be a direct actions dealing with mental behaviors or an indirect method which are categorized as alternative treatments for alcohol addiction.

It is a clear fact the addictive substance affects not only physical characteristics and mental attributes but social relationships as well. Drinking problems are compatible to such alcoholism treatment. In reality, all successful programs in quitting drinking alcohol contain biophysical approach to a certain level of treatment. This means that every alcoholism treatments or quit drinking program considered the mind and thoughts of the individual who decided to quit drinking. This situation can also tell us the different aspects when it comes to approaches and treatments, the importance of those treatments and the principles behind those alcohol addiction plans.

The use of interpersonal interaction to expand or develop new way of living is a very good example. In fact, cultivating one’s life into a new plot of life can help in the performance of such individual and will be sure of having a full recovery from alcoholism. Self-treatments for alcoholism are important in the process. Self-help makes biopsychosocial approach of treatments sensible to an individual since changes on behavior and attitude will take place as son as the person admits his mistakes and is willing to undergo treatments.

Methods to quit drinking put a different importance on self-treatments. The level of efficacy will depend on the strength an individual is determined to stop his drinking problems or tolerate the withdrawal symptoms. Some methods requires assistance from alcohol support groups, others can be done by means of self initiatives and motivations. Self-help methods in quitting drinking are starting to consider by health professionals as they are also proven effective in fighting alcohol addiction.

It is a fact that the effectiveness of any chosen quit drinking technique will depend on the individual’s self-help program. If you really want to beat alcoholism and get rid of drinking problems, you will learn how to be well motivated to help your self in your fight against alcohol addiction. Regardless of place where you learn those strategy, you can ensure a full recovery and a successful quit drinking plan if you are willing to do all the necessary actions in order to put an end to those drinking problems.


Taking Actions in Quitting Alcohol

In quitting drinking, it is very important to understand your actions when it comes to alcoholism. Great results will be dictated by your actions as well as changing your lives for the better. Take actions besides making plans and thinking about your wish to beat alcoholism. You are the one who is responsible to all of your actions and it is you who will dictate whether you can obtain the goals you dream of or not. You can search for quit drinking articles and read them all day long but unless you do something and act upon, you can’t get out of the terrible situation.

All actions that you apply in quitting alcohol need not to be complicated to achieve the best outcome. It can be little steps that you do and believe can help you achieve sobriety. As long as they do not contradict each other but focus entirely on the desire to quit drinking, then you can make actions that would eventually be starting points on your advocacy to fight your addiction. The good news is that you can find all the help you needed to win over the battle. There are lots of supports and aids that can assist you in finding the ways to the road of recovery.

Start your journey by reading some articles, personal blogs and commercial websites that gives away free tips and tricks in combating alcohol addiction. You can find a lot of these on the internet and you should look for sensible advice from legitimate sites to help you cope up your condition.

Take a moment also to browse other articles on this site which may be useful to you or someone you know to beat alcohol addiction. The idea is to know more and be familiarized with the situation so that you can analyze the real score and implement a suitable solution.

After reading articles and understanding the important aspects in regards to quitting alcohol, you may now make little steps in reaching your goals. It is important to take actions rather than just reading and absorbing the facts related to your drinking problems. Always remember that you can not make it through it if you do not implement all the necessary actions. Nobody can help you at this moment because you are the one responsible in taking those required actions.

If you are not sure of these consequences brought by methods you found in the internet, it is advisable to visit or call your personal physician so that he or she can give you some medical advice on how to properly approach the situation. He can give you the guidance you need and can provide you some do’s and don’ts in giving up the habit. Never hesitate to ask as it will allow you to be well informed in all the aspects of alcoholism.

Another essential thing to take into consideration is to make a back-up plan for relapse and setbacks. It is normal not to succeed on your first try as everybody finds it hard to quit drinking in their first stage to recovery but if you just try again and never give up, you can do it hassle free later on. Do not also forget to secure emergency measures when it comes to alcohol withdrawal symptoms to prevent putting your health at risk. These symptoms usually occur at the early stage of kicking off alcohol and can lead to certain complications and health issues. It is advisable to have a strategy that can decrease the difficultness of the procedure so that you can easily combat the symptoms or you can lessen the impact of the method you are applying.

Don’t give up. If there’s a will, there’s a way. If you are not lucky enough to be successful in beating alcohol addiction now, you can always try and try until the right timing and approach come. You can always try to do your best and obtain recovery. Quitting alcohol is not easy and we all know that. So you must be patient and determined to give up the habit and will try to gather strength so that you can gain the life free from alcohol.



Quitting Drinking Alcohol Tips

Tips and Tricks that Will Help You Give up Alcohol

There are lots of ways and actions that you can put into practice if you truly wish for a quick recovery from alcoholism. Many steps, methods, tips and tricks, procedures, treatments, ways, programs and systems are now proven to be effective in terms of a good and smooth healing stage. Quitting alcohol can now be done at home and all patients suffering from the same condition and share some situation can now apply a quit drinking method, undergo alcohol detoxification and improve their lives at the comfort of their homes. The truth is, several quit drinking programs are now available for an individual who desires to implement self-treatments for alcohol addiction even without medical assistance. These methods to quit alcohol are considered natural and can be alternative treatments when it comes to healing process. A person only needs to be willing to do his part and gather all the information about how to give up the habit and the addictive substance by means of these natural quit drinking programs.

Make Your Mind Busy All the Time

Many people who are suffering from alcohol problems realized that the greatest enemy of a person who is trying to quit drinking is alcohol cravings that will sooner or later occur to an alcoholic after he or she withdraw from the booze. It can be easy quit drinking but the hard part is to keep it up and avoid triggers from happening. It is very hard for a person to forget about his past drinking practice especially if he is abusing alcohol for a very extensive duration of time. The addiction has created a strong and powerful dependency and requires a much stronger treatment. But if the person can beat his cravings and deal with the desire to drink again, then he may not need extra time and effort. One way to deal with alcohol cravings is to keep your mind and body busy all the time. Try to do activities that will prevent you from thinking of drinking. It may be a task that you are interested or some physical activities that will not only make you physically fit but will keep you busy at times of cravings to alcohol. Quitting drinking needs a creative mind so be sure to do it more productive to be on the positive side.

Try To Know What Are You Dealing With

When I decided to quit alcohol, I make sure that I am confident to the things I will be applying in regards to overcome alcoholism. I formulate steps in quitting alcohol that will not only help me give up the habit but is surely suitable for my condition. Many people mistakenly apply methods without proper study on the matter. It is advisable to understand first your situation and then, follow it up by taking time to find fit and apt alcoholism treatments to save you from wasting some valuable time and energy. I told you before that it is very important to learn the basic and advance information when it comes to quitting alcohol. This will help you to study the real scenario and will make you solve the problems without wasting money, time and effort. It is agreeable that in order to win the fight you must know the enemy you are dealing with.

Understand the Roots and Reasons why You Abuse Alcohol in the Past

To facilitate your behaviors, you should try to identify the problems that caused you to abuse alcohol. You should attempt to understand the reason or reason why you become dependent to alcohol in order to avoid these actions and decisions from happening again in your life. If you think that being depressed because you feel that you are alone in your life, or you feel that your family ignores you, you should try now to be on the other part which is the positive side. Happiness is a choice and if you do want to quit drinking alcohol, you will change your approach to the world and choose to be happy. The best way to understand these problems is to understand first your inner self. Analyze your deeper feelings to some of the events happened to you and to your life.

Take Actions by Making Little Steps

You are the involve party and you are the one who will decide and do all the steps in quitting alcohol. You need to take actions now besides reading articles like this. You have to push the plans in order to achieve the results you dream of. Taking actions even if these are little steps can help you accomplish the difficult task. Try to put your mind into achieving your goal so as to promote a better look in life. Never be disappointed if you encounter problems while quitting alcohol as this is a very normal event that occurs in any method that you choose. Even medical professionals meet these problems such as alcohol withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Do not let you heart and mind feel depressed and look at the brighter side of the situation. You can quit alcohol just like me and you will recover from the addiction if you really want to.



Advice in Quitting Alcohol

Don’t you realize that in order to quit alcohol, a person must have a strong determination, will power and self-discipline? Without a strong and firm decision, an individual can not get out of alcohol addiction. He will only continue allowing alcohol to penetrate and in the end he will end up struggling to quit drinking alcohol. A person also needs to change his negative thoughts to positive ones so that he can approach the problems at hand in a more optimistic way. Motivations from support people also play a big role and should not be ignored. The person who is giving up a habit must have lots of motivation in order to pursue his desire to quit drinking.

Tips in Stopping Drinking Alcohol

Change the way you think. It is advisable for any individual who are to make a decision to quit alcohol is to change the way of how he thinks and see the world, especially his own world. A person must see it in a more decent and positive way to allow him appreciates the beauty of the environment he is living. The person must choose to be happy rather than feeling depressed and stressed. In this situation, he will be motivated to stop drinking and just do other important things that would eventually bring him back to his right path. He must also learn how to approach every situation or problem in a more systematic way to be able to solve these problems without feeling pressured or forced.

Have the motivations needed in quitting. When I decided to quit alcohol, I think of my family as my inspiration so that I can handle and solve my drinking problems even without engaging to an alcohol rehabilitation center or facility. I set them as my top priority to help me push my plans to quit drinking. In my experience, it helps me continue obtaining my dream to become clean and sober as well as live an optimistic life. My family provides me the motivation I need to give up a hard to beat habit and they give me the determination to fight my cravings. I don’t experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms and that makes everyone reading this to think that in that case, a person must seek medical advice.

Seek clinical interventions or at least medical advice from your personal doctor. A person who is suffering from chronic drinking or those people who are abusing alcohol for a very long time in the past and will suddenly stop drinking should look for medical advice. Quitting alcohol is a serious task and needs professional help at times when the patient is struggling to deal with cravings and withdrawal symptoms. He should fairly think that in order to have a safe and effective withdrawal process, he must undergo supervision from alcoholism experts or at least a registered nurse to guarantee the best results.

Say NO to your drinking buddies or to friends and family members who will invite you for a drinking party. Refusing to have a drink when someone close to you encourages you to have a drink is very difficult. Especially if that someone happened to have a problem and he will tell you that it is better to talk with alcohol on the side. But if you are determined to totally get rid of the habit, you will strongly and firmly say NO. This situation will practically put your personality on the test. The cravings can trigger you to join the person inviting you and you will find out that you are already drinking again. Think twice and think well. You do not want to waste your time and effort of all the things you have done in order to decide to quit alcohol. You do not want to start all over again and in the end you will discover that it is harder to beat the habit if you are going to have relapse and fallbacks.

Understand your situation and condition. The best way to quit alcohol is to know the real score. It will be a good and effective quit drinking journey if you know all the things related to what you are doing. It is better to be familiarized with the subject matter, the do’s and the don’ts and the things to avoid while you are undergoing alcoholism treatments. If you are able to know the facts beneath the procedure, you can be sure of a smooth road ahead and will save you time and effort. Learning the important factors and aspects can also make you confident to implement an effective quit drinking method.

There are other advice that you can obtain from different resources and references in the internet. Just be sure to get legitimate online supports or ebooks download from an experienced people who fully know how to address the problems of alcoholism. Quitting alcohol is a hard task and you need all the help you can get but if you do acquire wrong information and alcoholism facts, this will and can worsen your situation.



Tips in Beating Alcoholism

How to Beat Alcohol Addiction and Recover from It

I always tell everyone who are asking me some tips in beating alcoholism (I am willing to tell them again and again) that everyone can make little steps now to stop drinking alcohol and overcome alcohol addiction. Don’t wait alcohol entirely ruin your life and in the end, you will realize that the addiction has been strongly go through your system. Even tiny little steps now can make a difference for you to become sober and clean. These little steps will move you forward to an effective, healthier recovery even without help from alcohol rehabilitation centers. You can seek for forward family support and friends’ motivation to get you started. You can obtain a firm and powerful determination to combat your alcohol cravings or you can seek for medical advice which will sooner or later inform you good tips in beating alcoholism. Communicate to a sustainable people or group that will and can understand you at all times. Your condition as an alcoholic patient needs a lot of help and assistance in order to fight alcohol addiction. Engage or enroll in a group therapy session that will eventually help you to quit drinking as well as stop drinking programs which can be useful later on in life. Others can rely on quitting alcohol on their own at the comfort of their home. Be sure to be monitored by a doctor to guarantee safer withdrawal.

If you believe you can beat alcoholism on your own and fight that alcoholic’s craving and withdrawal symptoms which can be encountered while quitting alcohol, then the least you can do is to seek an advice from alcoholism experts and medical professionals to be able to understand all the things related to your plans to quit alcohol. Seeking the required information on how to effectively quit drinking alcohol will allow you to be familiarized to the subject matter. You can also decrease your alcohol intake if you can’t totally quit drinking. Jot down your consumption and make sure you are in con troll of the situation. Having control with your own situation can be difficult at the start so ask help and assistance from people you trust and know.

Knowing if you are an alcoholic or not, or having understanding on the basic of diagnostic examinations on how to know the real score can be helpful in terms of applying a suitable quit drinking method or alcoholism treatment. It may help you to totally address the problems at hand and put an end to those drinking problems easily. Many have been encountering problems because they do not want to be called alcoholic. This is due to certain “reasons” in relations with social life. They don’t want their friends know that they have drinking problems and this situation can worsen the situation.

On the other hand, those people engaged to Alcoholic’s Anonymous (AA) are aware they have drinking problems and they need help to beat their alcohol addiction. On this matter, they know their lives are ruined by drinking excessively and they admitted their mistakes and are willing to stand up and correct those faults. We should admit and accept these mistakes even at the early stage, even if we are having troubles with our personality, we should take into consideration admitting we need help to be on the right track of life again.

But there are some people who can consider as functioning alcoholics. These people are abusing alcoholic almost everyday but can do their tasks and can support their family as well. SO only you can decide if you are an alcoholic or not. You can pay a visit an alcoholic doctor to know more about your condition. This is the only way you can be sure that you are getting the clinical help you need in order to quit drinking and beat alcoholism. The best tip I can give you is that make sure you want to quit alcohol to have a beautiful, normal and healthier life. You need to totally accept the fact that you need to give up the habit, the addictive substance and all the things associated to the pleasure of being drunk. To quit drinking is easy; the hard part is to maintain your life as clean and sober as possible. So be sure to prepare yourself to an excruciating journey, make sure that you are focused and make sure you have a strong willpower and discipline in order to quit alcohol and beat alcoholism.

Rather than setting goals that are obviously can not be achieved, aim for tasks that are realistic and obtainable. Goal setting is valuable aspect in quitting drinking as it is the strong foundation of your plans. It is a useful tool which can somehow focus your mind into a different approach. Your goal is to quit drinking and beat alcoholism. So it is understood that you aim for your goal and achieve it as best as you can. You will now understand the problems and will seek for the best solutions as soon as possible.

You know what you are capable of doing. So you are the only person in this world that knows what you can achieve or not. Set a standard goal in quitting drinking and prevent unrealistic event from happening by avoiding setting unrealistic goals to quit drinking alcohol and beating alcoholism.

Lily Samaniego


Quitting Alcohol Addiction

10 Tips on How you Can Quit Alcohol and Beat Alcohol Addiction

Tip no.1 – Admit you have drinking problems and that you need to quit to put an end to those drinking problems. Accept that you did some mistakes to your life so that you can focus on the solutions of those wrong decisions that you commit in the past. Yu are hooked to alcohol addiction with a purpose and reasons. It is advisable to acknowledge those things to ensure your fast and smooth recovery from alcoholism.

Tip no. 2 – Keep away from your old buddies that you used to hang around with. If they are not joining you in quitting drinking, then it is better for you to avoid them as possible as you can. Interacting with people who are drinking alcohol or abusing alcohol can trigger cravings and thoughts of drinking again. You should always think of saying away from anything that will make you think of alcohol in any way.

Tip no. 3 – You might want to dispose of all the bottles of alcohol, wines and any kind of alcoholic beverages in your house, place of work or room. Keeping them in your cabinet while you are quitting alcohol will also remind you of things related to your alcohol addiction. You also required additional strength in order to overcome the cravings as there are influences all over the place.

Tip no. 4 – Tell your friends, relatives, family members and people you know that you are quitting alcohol for the better. Ask for their supports, advice, suggestions and prayers as well as their opinions on the subject matter. This will play a big role and will and can help you strengthen your will power, motivation and determination.

Tip. No. 5 – Don’t hurry up. Take it one day at a time, meaning that you are doing well at the last moment of quitting alcohol. Never commit mistakes by means of speeding up your chosen quit drinking program or method. This will only worsen the situation and you will encounter problems unexpectedly.

Tip. No. 6 – Make a plan before quitting drinking alcohol. This will allow a good and effective procedure. This action will also prevent your self confuse and disoriented. Make sure you understand all the aspects you are doing. Be familiarized with the plan and make sure that you stick with that plan.

Tip no. 7 – If you are not sure of what you are doing and don’t have the idea or enough information regarding quitting alcohol, you can acquire some from alcoholism specialist, alcohol rehabilitation centers in your area or support groups such as Alcoholic Anonymous (AA). They can supply you with some of the most effective quit dirnking method in the country and will help you to kick the habit easily. They can also prescribe you with synthetic drugs which can use as pain reliever or depressants that will sooth discomfort feelings and anxiety.

Tips no. 8 – Give your self a gift if you able to accomplish a day without consuming alcohol. It may be your favorite meal, a massage or watching your favorite movie. You can also take time to bond with your family which can be a form of gift not only for you but also for them.

Tip no. 9 – If you really desire on getting out of alcohol addiction, you can motivate your self by means of thinking all the negative situation you have done in the past. This will make you realize all the mistakes and wrong doings that affect your life in one way or another. Remember the harmful effects of alcohol and drinking excessively to your life and to the lives of the people around you. This way, you will have the motivation that will push you to keep on your stop drinking plans.

Tip. No. 10 – Continue your battle even if you encounter alcohol withdrawal symptoms or any event that may hinder you form continuing your plans to quit drinking. Beating alcohol is a difficult task and requires huge amount of will power and effort to get the best results. You need all the help you can get to get out but you also need to be willing and cooperative to the situation. Be strong and firm. Do not let anything interrupt you and never give up your plans to quit alcohol for a better you and healthier life.



Learning How to Quit Drinking Alcohol

How to Quit Drinking Alcohol on your Own

A lot of people have proven that quitting alcohol is easy but maintaining clean and sober is really the hardest part. Alcoholism treatments and quit drinking programs can help you decide and be determined to push your plans but motivations push your best to maintain quit and have a long term sobriety. There are lots of help available on how to quit drinking alcohol on your own. Resources from the internet have a long, long list that can be useful in terms of beating alcoholism. Recovery programs and alcohol withdrawal symptoms treatments also exist and can put tour feet on the right path of healing stage. Medical science and technology have also a lot to offer to a person who really wants to overcome his alcohol addiction and drinking problems as well as steps for alcohol detoxification.

Basic Steps in Quitting Drinking on your Own

I always advise people that people should admit his drinking problems. By accepting this, the person will also acknowledge that he needs to give up the habit before it is too late for him. He doesn’t have to declare that he is helpless over the addictive substance but rather represent his mistakes by admitting he has been irresponsible for his decisions and acts in the past. He must also thinks that he can change his life by quitting drinking, he will do his best to stay away from all the things related to alcohol and he can give up the habit even on his own. A good result comes from a good start.

Find out your partners as soon as you decided quitting alcohol. Seek for people who can understand your situation and condition. Look for people who will support your plans and will not encourage or influence you to drinking again. If possible, make a new circle of friends that will constantly remind you of quitting the habit and will help you achieve that goal. Support from family members who will provide you moral support is also good when it comes to reminding you to continue your fight against alcoholism.

Avoid hanging out with your old drinking buddies. Going out with “old drinking friends” will not help you achieve sobriety but will only make you think of drinking again and your past drinking sessions. In this situation, you will not forget about alcohol but will only triggers you to engage into alcohol abuse again. It will help you if you say NO to people or friends who invite you for a sip. Never start an action or event that you think and believe will lead you to binge drink. You must always be aware that you are now seeking for ways to stop drinking alcohol.

Quitting drinking is a commitment. You need to commit your self on the needed task to achieve the best outcome. You must be willing to do everything that is required in giving up alcohol. You should cooperate to the people who believe you can do it. Never let them down and show them that you would want to get out of the terrible situation. Getting clean and sober is easy; you should always put that in your mind.

Tell everyone you know you are determined to fight alcoholism. Notify your family, wife, kids, husband, mother, father, closed friends and other people around you that you are a recovering alcoholic who will do his best to acquire sobriety and maintain it for good and for the better. Quitting drinking will make you a better person for sure.

There is no one who can fully help you decide to quit drinking alcohol. There are no medicines, pills or drugs that can cure drinking problems and alcohol addiction. Those medical treatments are designed not to cure you but are made to ease the pain and the symptoms of withdrawal that may occur during quitting drinking. You must understand that you are the one who will perform those tasks involve in beating alcoholism. Never rely on medicines that can magically wipe away your drinking problems. If you really want to stay away from alcohol, you should do all your best to quit alcohol. You should do additional efforts in order to get clean and sober.



Dealing with Alcohol Addiction

Dealing with Pain and Sufferings of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a progressive state so it also needs a continuing process and treatments so that the person will maintain his sobriety and will not drink for the rest of his life. Dealing with alcohol addiction requires a never-ending process but as you recover from the effects and maintain a good attitude towards the situation, you can enjoy the benefit of the long term advantages. It is not easy overcoming drinking problem but as long as you are willing to do all the necessary actions to beat alcohol addiction, you can get rid of this terrible disease and live a pretty life with your family and loved ones. No one can help us make it disappear overnight but rather we, the person involve will have to take actions and cooperate with the quit drinking procedures. We should not rely on any other person but ourselves in dealing with alcohol addiction because we are the sole individual who understands and knows our condition.

Taking actions to beat alcoholism takes a lot of courage. On the starting point of the plan, we must immediately accomplish such task so that we can be sure of a great outcome. Admitting we have drinking problems and that we need help in order to put an end to those drinking problems can be useful in terms of our first steps in stopping drinking. Accepting the fact that our condition has been in the peak stage and the only solution that we can implement is to seek for quit drinking methods that will help and assist us to the road of recovery will be the foundation of our actions.

For some people especially those individuals who have been abusing alcohol everyday might suffer from heavy alcohol withdrawal symptoms if they stop drinking cold turkey. Stopping the consumption of the addictive substance can make us experience a lot of signs of withdrawal either mild or chronic depending on the duration we abused alcohol in the past. The longer we are hooked to binge drinking or alcohol abuse, the harder it will lead us to recovery. The heavy we drink in the past, the harder it makes us prone to alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as delirium tremens.

We can address this situation by engaging in an alcohol rehabilitation center that can guide us to our recovery. They can help us deal with alcohol addiction and can provide good facilities for us to make us feel comfortable while in the duration of the whole stop drinking procedures. Alcohol addiction is a compulsive need of the substance and the treatments should be focus on preventing the cravings attack and making sure the person will not struggle or suffer from any extreme symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. The best place that a person should be into is an alcohol rehab and detoxification facility that can give them the essential medical and clinical intervention. Personal experience and story shows that going in a legitimate alcohol rehabilitation center which has complete and effective quit drinking programs not only helps me discover a lot of alcohol treatments but also assists me to ease the pain and sufferings I experienced during withdrawal period.

Alcoholics suffering from extreme alcohol withdrawal symptoms can easily get from therapeutic treatments on any alcohol rehab center. But, be aware that most of these hospitals can’t offer appropriate care and comfort for people struggling to fight alcoholism to which are necessary in dealing with alcohol addiction. Withdrawal effects of alcoholism cannot be compared to drug addiction or any kind of addiction but they do have bad effects and can be very lethal and put lives at risks if ignored.

Alcohol dependent individuals who do not get the proper physical and psychological treatments when they are in the process of quitting might suffer from sever symptoms and can have internal organ failures. It is advisable to take all the precautionary measures in dealing with alcohol addiction so that we can guarantee a smoother recovery. Many cases have revealed that people who have been supported by family members and relatives recover quickly as well.

It is impossible to post a single article discussing about dealing with alcohol addiction. I am trying my best to write meaningful and realistic posts that talk about how to quit drinking alcohol and how to effectively stop abusing alcohol that can benefit everyone who has drinking problems but I can’t tell you that by means of a single article. It is better for you to browse in the archive section of this blog other articles that may be of useful to you as well.
If you really want to deal with alcohol addiction on your own, you might as well get supports from people who can understand your advocacy and will help you to be firm and determined in quitting drinking. You should seek advice and moral supports from your family and friends who will not only guide you but will constantly remind you to be focused on your stop drinking plans.

Now, being said that, my personal advice to all people suffering from alcoholism and the likes will be concentrating on having the right mindset in dealing with alcohol addiction.



How to Quit Drinking On Your Own

Quitting Alcohol – Self-Treatments for Alcoholism

There are ways on how to quit drinking on your own. Plenty of methods and techniques are available which are also suitable and efficiency for an alcohol dependent individual if he is planning to quit drinking and overcome alcohol addiction. People who have drinking problems should seek for natural and alternative methods in getting out of the terrible situation so that he can decide on what technique are appropriate for him. If you believe you can tackle the problems of drinking excessively, you can take actions now and forget about drinking again so that you can have a peaceful and healthier life. You may search for stop drinking procedures that do not involve clinical interventions but rather deals with natural ways in beating alcoholism.

Now that you have read my other article about admitting your drinking problems and that you need help to completely recover, you will now discover you need to search for stop drinking methods that will fit your condition, physically and psychologically. There are lots of things needed to be considered when taking actions in terms of quitting alcohol. There are also lots of health issues, psychological, emotional and physical status that needs to undergo diagnostics and tests and emergency measures which are needed for you to be familiarized if you want to achieve great results when it comes to overcoming and dealing with alcohol addiction. People should pay attention and treat this situation accordingly to prevent additional damages.

If you want to quit drinking alcohol on your own, you need huge amount of determination and will power to cope with it. By means of having a great power of attitude towards sobriety, you can beat alcohol cravings and light to mild alcohol withdrawal symptom. Now, let me make this clear. Quitting alcohol by self interventions are for those people who are not extremely hooked to the habit. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are lethal sometimes and needs medical attention so be sure to ask an advice from alcoholism doctors to ensure safe recovery and avoid health issues in the future. Side effects on withdrawing from alcohol might occur and this situation will greatly influence a person with the outcome of the techniques. Now, if you think and the doctors agree that you can tackle the problems with your own power and courage, you can now go on and quit drinking on your own.

You can surely get out of alcohol addiction if you do have the will power to do such difficult task. You can overcome the cravings to drink again if you maintain a strong and firm decision that you will not ever taste alcohol again. Even if your friends are drinking, you can say no to them if you are decisive and determined to say no. These motivations and determination will play a big role in quitting alcohol or stopping binge drinking and everyone has to acquire these characters if they really need to kick off the addictive substance.

Motivation from family and friends are also an ingredient in stopping drinking. Motivate yourself by means of your commitment to your family as well as your closed friends that you are not taking another drinking session so that you can have their respect back. Do not get yourself to a situation that you can’t say no so avoid going to parties where alcohol is abundant. You will only trigger your desire and you will become thirsty to alcohol without considering what you have just started.

Learning facts and information about the habit, alcoholism, alcohol addiction, binge drinking and how it affects you and your family or just plain info about what to do in order to quit will be advisable and effective. Take time to read articles about quitting drinking and how other people like you are dealing with them so that you an have ideas about your own and personal stories. You might as well share you stories to others so that other people can learn from you. It is good to know that you are quitting alcohol and helping other individuals in the same shoes at the same time. You can also tell them what you are feelings and emotions and I am sure they will tell theirs, too. The idea is to have a circle of friends that are thinking the same so that the supports are automatically be obtained by sharing and helping others.

It is possible to quit drinking alcohol on your own. There are no rules against quitting and giving your condition some self treatments but be sure to make it safe and smooth as you go on with the process. You should avoid thinking of the past but focus on the future to help you concentrate on the life you are about to see after you quit drinking alcohol on your own and while you are in the stage of recovery form alcoholism.



How to Quit Binge Drinking

Dealing with Alcohol Abuse

Nowadays, James Stobbs, author of the known e-book: How to Stop Binge Drinking is a very useful reading materials when it comes to information about how to quit drinking on your own. Binge drinking is - drinking to get drunk and/or consuming over or twice the recommended daily amounts in one ocassion. I've been helping other overcome this kind of situation and recover from alcoholism. I am also giving them special healing procedure and treatment for alcohol abuse and as a requisite to tranquillize their behavior to have a happier and better life without drinking alcohol. Few people believe that because they can go without consuming alcohol for a few days or weeks that they can not perform well in their daily activities or will poorly accomplish everyday tasks.

How do you see if you are binge drinking?

1. Do you take alcohol to get drunk?
2. Do you get excited most of the clip you fuddle?
3. Do you honor statesman than the regular or weekly guidelines?

I Want to Quit Binge Drinking

Nowadays, different individuals from all walks of life who are having problems with alcohol want to quit binge drinking. Many individuals who have been hooked to alcohol in a very long term are now realizing they need to stop these lunatic activities if they do not want the addictive substance completely rule over their lives, careers, family and personal relationships. But they don’t know that there are lots of easy treatments for stopping binge drinking and alcohol addiction. In fact, if you do a little research on the internet, you will find that there are plentiful of sites that give free tips and techniques to treating this kind of addiction and there are many free methods available to be able for an alcoholic to stop binge drinking. You will also find that everyday, researchers and medical practitioners have been trying to seek for natural treatments to deal with alcohol addiction and alcohol withdrawal symptoms especially delirium tremens also known as DTs. Medical practitioners are now finding solutions to effectively quit binge drinking habit without hassles and problems.

Professionals are now researching for new and effective methods and procedures to treat alcohol addiction without the help from alcohol rehabilitation programs and alcohol rehabilitation facilities like detoxification center or detoxification facilities. We are in a new era of technology and finding solutions to treat alcohol addiction at home is now possible.

Alcoholics can now quit binge drinking on their own house and live a normal life. They do not need to engage in an alcohol rehabilitation center or enroll to a alcohol rehabilitation program. There are also proven over-the-counter drugs that can easily combat the alcohol cravings which we all know triggers relapse and can bring an alcoholic back in drinking excessively again. There are facts needed in order to ease alcohol cravings.

Excessive alcohol consumption can create a dreadful situation not only to the life of the person involved but to the people in their environment especially their family and closed friends or relatives. When someone ignores the opportunity to quit binge drinking habit, sometimes, they create a threat to the harmony of the people whom they are approaching to.

Stopping binge drinking can bring a thousand of positive effects to an alcoholic as well as short term effects and long term effects to the family members. You don’t need to know the entirety of all the procedures in stopping binge drinking but you can manage to kick the habit of drinking even if you only rely on the basics.

Treatment for alcohol addiction is not as complicated as it seems to be. When I started my research on stopping binge drinking, I saw many sites that provides articles about treatments to alcohol addiction but they are putting so many hard to remember terms and scientific terms that an alcoholic or his/her family members can not fully understand.

One fact to remember is that the effectiveness of alcohol addiction treatment and the stop binge drinking procedures depends on the alcoholic’s motivation to himself or by the families’ moral support. This is the foundation above all. If an alcoholic is not ready enough with the journey to stop binge drinking, he or she cannot fully motivate himself to beat alcoholism. He will not reach the strength of mind that he needed to be able to fight his own cravings to alcohol. Even if he take all the expensive drugs available in local drugstore to maintain his physical withdrawal symptoms but is not ready to really give up alcohol with all his mind and heart, he can’t beat alcohol addiction.

Another fact is that admitting with open eyes and broad mind that you have a drinking problem can help a lot in motivation to stop binge drinking. Once an alcoholic is ready to really give up drinking alcohol, then we can say that he can be successful in stopping drinking.

But preparing to stop drinking is only the first step. There are many steps prior to stopping binge drinking. Maintaining sobriety is another issue and becoming sober for the rest of your life is very hard to do as well. There are lots of influences needed to consider and many obstacles and side effects are on your way while on the stop binge drinking process. Another thing to think is the life you will have when you are on the road to recovery. A recovering alcoholic needs to remember that all those negative decisions that they did when they are under the influence of alcohol have produced a major and minor impacts to their life. But, if an alcoholic really wants to treat his alcohol addiction, it is required to sacrifice and be ready to all the circumstances. If he really wishes to quit binge drinking and live a better life, he should take all the risks involve.



Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers Can Help Us

Benefits of Joining and Alcohol Rehab Center or Facility

If you are thinking of quitting drinking because of some personal and social issues that you are encountering right now, it is a good starting point to be familiar and be informed about the benefits of an alcohol rehabilitation center or hospital. There are lots of rehabilitation centers out there that can help you succeed in giving up an addictive substance. Alcoholics can now easily get help through various quit drinking programs provided by these foundations. There are rehab centers that require monthly payments and there are free alcohol rehabilitation centers which are operated or maintained by government agencies. Both can provide you the necessary alcoholism treatments and medical intervention while you are quitting alcohol. The treatment for substance abuse and alcoholism are now easily accessible for anyone who has drinking problems and are totally hooked to the habit and the addictive substance.

Everyone who has undergone alcohol abuse knows that it is not easy overcoming the effects brought by the addiction. It is indeed very hard to get out once you are hooked to the habit. It will be like help when you want to stop and needs all the help you can get in order to have a smooth and effective recovery. But suffering from this kind of disease can now easily find help and seek for programs that can implement without costing much trouble to the individual. Substance abuse treatment facilities are anywhere and can range form huge buildings and hospitals to foundations that are somewhat like you are in your home while you are undergoing alcoholism treatments.

Why we need alcohol rehab?

Binge drinking is habitual and needs proper care and medical attention to ensure that the person involve will not suffer much. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms sometime can lead to internal and external failures so as it can affect many physical and psychological issues regarding a sudden stop of alcohol consumption. It is better and very highly recommended that if the person is diagnosed for a severe condition, he must undergo several treatments which only on alcohol rehab facility can provide. It is necessary to ask a legitimate rehab center and admit your self or someone you love to a hospital which knows how to handle the condition of the said person.

A proper alcohol rehabilitation or detoxification center can handle the condition of the person with alcoholism problems according to the standard procedures given to an alcoholic. They can provide emergency plans and safety measures when the individual suffers from alcohol withdrawal symptoms. There are lots of programs available and anyone can assure of their efficacy when it comes to beating alcohol problems or substance abuse.

There is also spiritual approach in association to admitting as in-patient in alcohol rehabilitation center. There are Christian Rehab Programs that can be useful and effective if we wish to quit drinking alcohol in an in-house facility. These are specialized treatment centers that involve a more spiritual approach when it comes to curing the patient. In Christian rehab centers, there will give the patient an energetic and strong position on religious matters. These quit drinking programs are mainly concentrated in withdrawing the person to the “curse” of alcohol addiction and offers a specialized techniques and systems with wide range of programs and treatments. They also give the person many activities while undergoing the treatment so that the individual can focus on his quitting drinking method and swerve his mind to other activities besides drinking and abusing alcohol.

Finally, it is highly advisable to undergo alcoholism treatment in an alcohol rehabilitation center as soon as possible so that it will allow the support group and doctors time to further study the condition of the person so that they can give the appropriate care and cure to the patient. It needs also to be distinguished that a person who automatically accepts his problems and admits his self to a substance recovery treatment center will be thinking that he is getting out of alcohol addiction and that the terrifying situation which brought him to struggles and hardships will not be a hindrance in going to his new and changed life.


Quitting Alcohol Now

Quitting Alcohol Now

When do you think it is necessary to quit drinking alcohol? When do you think you should give up that addictive substance? Don’t wait until alcohol totally ruins your life. Now is the right time to kick off that habit and go on with life without alcohol. Now is the time that you need to quit drinking and live a completely free from alcohol life. That is, if you really want to. Alcoholism is a type of unbearable addiction and it is a terrible problem in our modern world today. There are lots of reasons why a person abused alcohol and eventually hooking himself to alcohol addiction. There are deeper and personal issues regarding why a person suddenly is diagnosed as alcoholic even he himself doesn’t know the fact he is an alcohol dependent.

Chronic addiction to alcohol or better described as a medical condition that makes it difficult for you to control the amount of alcohol you drink has gone an extremely strong dent in almost every community’s organization in the world. Intoxication for this kind of substance is common and considered as the widespread household problems of your society. Problems ranging from domestic violence and child abuse to broken marriages and unwed mothers. Government agencies and local departments should make necessary steps and find ways to deal with this situation and help alcoholics quit drinking and recover from alcoholism so that they can become a good citizen of the country. Quitting alcohol is not easy and requires many aspects and things to totally get out of the condition.

Quitting alcohol is not easy and will be a rough road from start to finish. Getting out of alcohol addiction without proper guidance from alcohol rehabilitation center or experts can be dangerous and can worsen the situation. We must address this kind of problem accordingly so that everybody can take steps without creating farther damages and insult to injury. Quitting is not like a walk in the park. Everyone should really pay attention and should pay attention carefully in order to obtain the best outcome.

If you are thinking now that you need to quit drinking and give up the habit, you must learn the essential aspects to complete and accomplish such hard and firm task. It is tough to start learning all the things that you are not familiar with but it will be the foundation of your quit drinking procedures so that you can expect a smoother recovery in the near future. Be aware that you need to dig deeper into your own situation so that you will know how much alcohol has been into your system or what to do in order to get out of that habit effectively and easily. You must quit alcohol now before it is harder to quit later on in life. Don’t wait until you have no time understanding the basic as well as the advance process of stopping alcohol addiction and quitting alcohol binge drinking because you do not know the facts well. Do not get caught at the dark. Be sure to study the well known ideas on quitting alcohol and I can assure you that you can easily combat your alcohol cravings and symptoms because you are not misinformed.

It will take some of your valuable time, but it is better to spend time reading articles about alcoholism and how to tackle your drinking problems rather than spending time abusing alcohol and binge drinking. It is better to study your condition and how to overcome such condition than spending time hanging around with your old drinking buddies. Going out with friends that are not stopping the attitude towards abusing alcohol can somehow triggers your desire to drink again. They will only influence your to go backwards and discourage your from your advocacy of quitting alcohol.

Be sure to forget about alcohol by means of doing other productive activities that you would also enjoy rather than doing what is not right. Giving up the habit is the best decision you can make and it will not only benefit you but will also make your family proud of you. You can bring back the old memories and the wasted time without your family and loved ones in the top list of your priorities. Quitting alcohol will somehow make you a responsible and well crafted human being in the future.

Be sure to have the right attitude when quitting alcohol. Don’t feel depressed but rather be happy as you are at the starting point of recovery. You should not live in the past but should be thinking about the future when you are quitting alcohol. You should not blame anyone even your self as no one including your self wants to be slaved of alcoholism. But remember to concentrate on what you can do to change that life and how you can change that even with little steps on quitting alcohol.
Making a guidance is the endorse interval in beating alcohol. Opt when you are accomplishment to stop drinking. Set a clip to quit alcohol now is value your guidance to see if it is working and whether you are fit to stop drinking on your own. Help from organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or mortal therapy is can be victimized to help you reach your end. Planning a quantify period to evaluate your design is central. At haunt intervals, judge how considerably your system is employed and whether your goals status adjusting. Involved in an orderly forgather counseling or someone therapy oft helps you reach your end of stopping drinking.

If you hold questions about this collection, cross it with you when you impose your debase or else alcoholism parted. You might deprivation to record areas or egest notes where you somebody questions. If you try this tips to beat alcoholism and stop using alcohol and are not made, conversation with your dilute nearly additional structure to get help.

If you anticipate you bed an addiction to alcohol, gossip to your physician some whether you condition to fatigue from alcohol low scrutiny supervising. Your debase can spring you medicine that give help you safely pall from alcohol. Other medicines mightiness be formal later to help you stick colorless. With a medico's help, separation from alcohol is safer.

Lily Samaniego - Quitting Alcohol - Getting Clean and Sober


Methods to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Get Professional Help if Necessary

As I discuss how to quit drinking alcohol on your own on my other article, there are also clinical intervention that you may find useful and effective in terms of quitting alcohol. This means that you may want to engage into a more technical and modern way of quitting and like to enroll your self into an alcohol rehabilitation center or facility. This also means that you can seek professional help if necessary. For those people who are hooked to alcohol and is considered heavy drinkers who abuses and has chronic drinking problems, I would recommend seeking and getting professional help to get a safe and great result in quitting alcohol. If you want to have a long lasting and long term sobriety, you should get yourself a method to quit drinking or program provided by an alcohol rehabilitation centers to ensure that you are getting the needed process and techniques in overcoming the dreadful and horrible disease.

There are lots of free programs and medical help nowadays. You should call your local agency who handles this kind of issue and ask them some options available for you. A public alcohol rehabilitation center in your country or one nearest to your area can provide you the necessary assistance when it comes to getting rid of the habit. They can analyze your condition to give you an updated and suitable program. They can also give you the basic to advance information on how to properly handle alcohol withdrawal symptoms, alcohol cravings and how to deal with the situation without suffering many acute and heavy symptoms.

There are also centers that accept payments for reasonable fee. You need to inquire and they will tell you much the cost is. Be sure to confirm they are registered on your local government agency to be sure that you are acquiring programs from legitimate center or hospital.

Getting professional help in stopping drinking is one sure and helpful way on how you can properly and effectively beat alcoholism. A person who has no idea on how to quit drinking on his own should seek help from these rehab and detox centers so that they will not put their selves into a lot of troubles associated to incorrect procedures and illegitimate programs. One way to be sure of getting the right alcohol treatments is finding not only a system that involves a suitable quit drinking program for alcohol addiction but implementing it in a more professional way. You should also bear in mind that the quit drinking method you are applying matches the criteria and standard of your locality. Implementing a method which correspond your condition is sure win and can benefit you in long terms.

In addition, be sure to have a procedure or method in quitting drinking that includes an alcohol detoxification program. This way, you can wash away almost all the bad chemical and toxic materials that are absorbed by your body while you are intoxicated and abusing alcohol. Detoxification programs will cleanse the body’s internal organs from toxins that will eventually affect you in one way or another.

Do not wait until you are entirely hooked to the habit. Binge drinking, alcohol abuse and drinking problems are habits that are difficult to deal with if you allow them to continue going through your system. The longer you decide that you will quit alcohol, the harder it will take for you to beat alcohol addiction. It is advisable and important that you give up the habit so that you can deal with it as easy as 1-2-3. Be advised that the results of your actions will depend on the implementation so be sure to do all the necessary actions required to recover form alcoholism.

Forget about drinking and forget about you being an alcoholic. Forget the satisfaction alcohol brings to you when you are under the influence but rather concentrate on the disadvantages of the addictive substance to your family, health, body, mind and entire life. You can now make a change to your life and you can gain back the respect and love of your family if you quit alcohol now. Just do it and I am sure you can get out of the situation in no time.



Dealing With Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Natural Treatments for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

An individual who has been hooked to alcohol and has been abusing the substance for a very long period of time is likely to feel and experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms when he suddenly stops drinking alcohol. The signs and symptoms usually occur within twenty four hour duration. These symptoms are “normal” due to the reaction of the body when it doesn’t consume the required “fuel” he used to have. From chronic symptoms such as delirium tremens or convulsions to mild or light signs of withdrawals like anxiety and feeling of discomfort, depending on how severe the addition is.

There are lots of treatments when it comes to dealing with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. These treatments are designed to ease the anxiety and lessen the pain which can be experienced throughout the whole duration of withdrawing from alcohol. During this time, the person may or can suffer from mild symptoms of withdrawal like the following signs: bad temper, nervousness, anxiety, finding hard to sleep, aggressive behavior and / or extreme headaches. Extreme and chronic symptoms may include: rapid heartbeat, mental disturbances, hallucinations, seizures, delirium tremens and rapid blood pressure.

There are two options on how we can deal with these symptoms. We can choose to ease the pain and the sufferings by means of medical interventions. There are drugs which can decrease the signs and lessen the feeling of discomfort. Be sure to ask a doctor about this matter as it is very dangerous for someone who self treat without knowing the side effects of the medicine you will take. You should visit a registered medical professional in order to guarantee a safe and effective quit alcohol procedure. If you have chronic symptoms and you can not deal with it on your own, you should take actions immediately by means of securing a clinical advice to your personal or family doctor. You can also ask a support group or a legitimate alcohol rehabilitation center for any advice regarding this matter. There are lots of rehab centers in the US, Australia and Canada. Just ask your local agency about the nearest facility on your area.

There are also alternative ways to deal with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Here are tips for you that you can consider natural if you want to beat withdrawal symptoms.

Eat a well balanced diet. People should be aware that quitting alcohol is a very tiring and strenuous job. If you are fighting alcohol addiction and want to beat alcoholism, you should make efforts in preparing you self physically. You must tolerate any signs of withdrawal the best that you can to avoid health issues and putting your self into a lot of struggles. Avoid spicy food when you are quitting alcohol as these foods will trigger your cravings. Stick with eating fruits and drinking juices to detoxify your body from any toxins.

Have a strong motivation. It will help you to quit drinking and continue the procedure even if you are encountering symptoms even as heavy as DT’s or delirium tremens. Getting motivations can also make you to be strong and positive that you can do every task involve in quitting drinking. Motivations that will help you to go on and keep on walking on the path of recovery can come from your family, friends and relatives whom you trust and love.

Have a positive outlook in life. Quitting alcohol is a good starting point. The decision you made is a positive one so you must continuously think that you are on the right side of life. This action can help you not to be interrupted by anything else and be focused on what you are doing at the moment.

Implement regular exercise activities. Engaging to physical activities such as sports will not only prepare your body from the exhausting task but will also make you fit for the job that can tolerate any withdrawal symptoms while quitting alcohol.

Alcohol withdrawals can hinder you from continuing the steps you implemented at the start of your journey to stop alcohol abuse. This situation is the most common obstacles that a person will experience. He may not carry on doing the job of quitting and will eventually give up the program he chose. No one wants to experience these symptoms as these can stop them from keep on going.


Do not Waste Your Life on Alcohol

Quit Drinking Alcohol Now

I know it is a waste of time trying to remember all things concerning negative situations happened to me in the past. Things that had occured in my life before I quit drinking alcohol. An expert told me that if I want to totally get out of alcohol, I should forget the past and live at the present. Meaning, that I should not go back to the horrible situation that drastically make me like a living dead. But I just thought it would help me realized how bad and terrible this kind of situation and should be avoided at all cost and prevent from happening again.

As I am having a hard time beating my cravings, now that I quit drinking alcohol, I might as well focus to other things before I find myself drinking again. I am sitting here in front of the computer and this situation made me realized that alcohol had wasted valuable part of my life. As I looked back to where it started, I become conscious that while I am hooked to alcohol, I never believe that it can cost me some huge problems and complicated circumstances which practically put me and my family to a never ending struggle. I also realized that while I thought that I am having a good time binge drinking and that I pretend I can get out of alcohol anytime I want to, I also have the realization I have been a foolish person allowing alcohol to bite my neck. I know now that drinking excessively and abusing alcohol too much are just a waste of my life. I must hold on to the core and shake it to be able to wake up in the dreams that I made. Now that I realized those things, the situation made me conclude that I should be a happier person knowing that I decided to quit drinking alcohol and that I should continue not to engage on drinking sessions anymore.

It is very clear that while we believe in the past that alcohol is our “best friend” and that it brings us happiness and satisfaction, there are bigger and deeper issues lying in front of us. Definitely, the first thing that is clear to me now is that I have wasted a lot of money in terms of alcohol abuse and binge drinking. This really makes me think that I must and should quit drinking. I don’t have the exact figure of how much money was wasted due to drinking and how much money was cost by the problems created by alcohol. But the one thing is clear; I have wasted valuable assets that can be diverted to other important matter that can support my family rather than wasting them on lunatic activities such as alcohol abuse and binge drinking. It is also an obvious fact that I’ve wasted many of my time divulging to alcohol and I wonder how much time left for my family. It is a sad feeling if you are now discovering the facts that you made a huge mistakes allowing alcohol took control over my life.

I indeed advise everyone reading this that you should now quit drinking and beat alcoholism. You should give up the habit at this very moment to avoid these same problems and other different forms of wasting time, energy, money and others. You should involve yourself to more productive activities that can make you a better person. Now that we all discover the effects of alcohol, we must take actions to quit drinking alcohol and give up the addictive substance. We should put an end to these practice and think about other actions that can develop our self-esteem to become a good and responsible human being. Don’t waste your time on alcohol. Don’t let alcoholism penetrate you even at once and you should quit drinking now before it is too late to fight the habit because it is totally on your system, physically and psychologically. Don’t allow the addiction fully take charge of your life. You will find out sooner o later that all the problems that had happened to you are caused by alcohol and those problems can be avoided if you stop drinking and give up the terrible and dreadful habit. It can also be prevented if I don’t abuse the substance and has devoted my time and money to my family and loved ones.



Have you Tried to Quit Drinking Alcohol

Are You Trying to Quit Drinking Alcohol

If you realized now that you have become an alcohol dependent because of some reasons, just think that you have enough time to quit alcohol and get out of the situation. If you are aware now that alcohol substance is a powerful addictive drug, both physically and psychologically, that can bring many problems, big and small, then you should act now and push a plan and try to quit drinking alcohol. As I’ve mentioned in my last post “Steps in Quitting Drinking”, everyone can make tiny steps and little acts to stop drinking alcohol. These little steps in giving up the habit can bring anyone to a bigger scenario of long term benefits and will be the start of the recovery process. We all are aware that alcohol can damage not only the physical aspects in life but psychologically, it can ruin anyone’s mind and character as well. Quitting drinking now that you realized these facts will be a good recovery point as well as a strong foundation in withdrawing from alcohol.

As you are now seeking for good ways how to quit alcohol, you might find this page useful in terms of self-treatments for alcohol addiction and steps in dealing with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Perhaps you would like to know more and understand the associated facts about alcohol dependency and alcohol abuse, then, this site is for you. Most of the people I talked with want to quit drinking because they recognize they have drinking problems and want to totally get rid of these problems instantly. The great decision of quitting drinking and the plans they push for themselves made them determined to be strong and will powered to overcome the dreadful disease.

If you tried to quit drinking alcohol and have been successful, then you are doing a good performance as well as having the right motivations and techniques to stop alcohol from ruining your life. But if you try to quit alcohol, but can not achieve sobriety and has been getting a lot of relapse situation, then you might as well try again and be stronger and tougher in the future. It is not easy quitting drinking alcohol. It is not a walk in the park as many have thought it. You can meet a lot of hindrances that will eventually make you to give up your plans to stop drinking. You can experiences many negative situations such as alcohol withdrawal symptoms and cravings that will trigger you to drink and abuse alcohol again. In addition, many people will not agree with you and they can also activate you from continuing abusing alcohol. For some reasons, your drinking buddies will try to influence you to stop the plans and the decision to quit drinking alcohol.

Thinking about Quitting Drinking

There will come a time in your life as a binge drinker that you want to quit and refrain from drinking alcohol. Or you may want to just decrease your consumption of the substance. Either way, there are lots of ways available for you to implement such task. It may not be easy and will require all your will power and self-discipline in order to accomplish this easier said than done job. But if you are determined to really beat alcoholism, you will try to do your best effort to complete the said task. Thinking of quitting drinking is the very foundation of your decision to stop drinking alcohol. It will be the starting point and can help you withstand all the hardships involve. You must, at all times, think that you can do it and must be constantly pushing your limit to be able to carry out.

After deciding you will not drink again or lessen your intake, the next step is to ask supports from family members and friends who can understand you inside and out. They can provide you the required motivation in quitting drinking and can give you the moral support you need in order to fight the disease. Family should be the top priority in your list of reason why you really want to overcome alcoholism. They must be your motivation in quitting alcohol so that you will realize the mistakes and the negative situation happened while you are being a slave of alcohol addiction.

The next step is to make a random test about your drinking pattern. Analyze your behavior when you are drunk so that you can learn how heavy you are hooked to alcohol. Asking an advice from doctors and medical practitioner can help you recognize your true condition and they can provide you some guidelines on what to do and what to avoid while you are undergoing the withdrawal process.

Learning why you are abusing alcohol can also mean a lot. Know the potential reasons why you are drinking in the first place. Understand the inner you by submitting your self to an open analysis on your own so that you will be familiarized to all the problems you are encountering that trigger you to continuously abuse alcohol. In this situation, you will learn how to tackle the problems and focus on the solution. This also can reform your life by avoiding these mistakes and doing the right thing.

There are other possibilities that we can employ to quit drinking alcohol. All we have to do is to be opened and have a broad mind in order to achieve sobriety and be clean and sober.


Steps in Quitting Drinking

Introduction: About this Blog

Welcome to this blog Quitting Alcohol – Getting Clean and Sober. If you believe you have drinking problems and are seeking for steps in quitting alcohol, then this blog can help you to achieve sobriety. I made this blog to share and tell others it is possible to beat alcoholism, quit drinking alcohol and recover from the side effects I brings to us. Being hooked to alcohol for over fifteen years of my life allows me to gain some good learning and information on how to handle the situation accordingly. The years I have been under the influence of alcohol let me experience all the things associated to the habit and how to totally give it up for the better. It is in my thinking now that after a severe and drastic situation; I may help other individuals who are in the same shoes just like me before. Do not worry as I am not telling you unrealistic ways and impractical steps in quitting alcohol but rather I will tell enlighten you to the basic info and essentials of how to quit alcohol and start your recovery.

Few Little Steps that Can Help to Quit Alcohol on your Own

There are many reasons why a person is hooked to alcohol. There are also lots of explanations why someone has continuously abuse alcohol and binge drink. Alcohol is an addictive substance and we know that. But how come we continue to drink alcohol even if we know the fact that it ruined many lives and relationships? Why do we continue abusing it even if know we can be addicted to the substance?

We all know now that alcohol has a lot of perverse effects to us, physically, emotionally and psychologically, that led to many problems, big and weepy, that would have been avoided if we do not binge drink, and / or stopped abusing it originally or we mature shipway to how we can quit drinking alcohol and stop alcohol addiction caused by indulging drinking. I will do my best in answering all the questions involved. I will try to lay all the cards on the table to help everyone beat alcoholism and prevent them from ever abusing the addictive substance again. If you have questions and inquiries regarding this matter, you can live some comments or questions that are related to this blog.

Changing your Life and the Way you think

If you think you are heavily drinking and are abusing alcohol without any reason whatsoever, or you are aware drinking excessively makes your life more complicated and scattered, you should act now before something more abrupt situation happen to you. This site can get your feet clean and sober and will ultimately assist you having a good and normal life. Many people believed that it is easy quitting alcohol but the truth is, it is not. Quitting alcohol involves a lot of works and efforts in order to fully get rid of the habit. It is advisable to change your way of thinking in order to beat alcohol addiction. This act will allow you to focus your mind and concentrate your self in getting all the details in quitting alcohol and the steps required to get out of alcoholism. By changing your spirit to a more you and setting goals that are realistic for everybody plays a big role in this procedure.

There are lots of reasons why we need to quit drinking and stop alcohol abuse. There are reasons that may consider general in nature as many alcoholics are in the same situation and there are personal reasons which can be applied only to certain individuals. Above all, these reasons are roots why we are abusing alcohol and these things are the ones we should focus on. Aside from arising issues regarding health, there are also numerous bad effects of abusing alcohol. You need to be aware that alcohol can ruin your life and the lives of your loved ones in an instant. Alcoholism can damage not only your physical life, but psychological and sociological as well. We must now quit drinking alcohol and we must do all it takes to become sober and clean so as to promote a more decent and healthier life in the near future.

I want also to make it clear to everyone that the information, experiences, tips and methods provided by this site are purely experiential in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. You should seek an advice about quitting alcohol, withdrawal symptoms and clinical intervention from doctors to ensure you are getting the correct alcoholism treatments. You should also take precautionary measures and adapt an emergency plans if necessary if you are going to perform any quit drinking methods or rehabilitation program on your own. Steps in quitting drinking should be implemented accordingly so as to avoid any relapse and health risks in the future. Thank you and good luck on your recovery.



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